Friday, September 11, 2009

Remembering 9/11

On that morning all could see

The twin towers sparkling in the light.

The nation in which it stood is proud and free.

Everything was what it should be.

A plane came flying through the sky

Into the first of the two standing towers.

All of the people who were passing by

Knew nothing was as it should be

People were crying from the highest of floors,

And praying that help was on its way.

People were running out through the front doors.

Nothing was as it should be

A second plane came flying high

Everyone stared holding their breath.

The second tower fell while everyone cried,

“Why is nothing as it should be?”

Down at the Pentagon in Washington D.C.

Another plane came crashing into its side.

Everyone who could walk was trying to flee

Saying, “Nothing is as it should be.”

Thanks to the passengers on the last airplane

That crashed in a field out by a small town

Bin Ladin’s last goal was not attained.

Nothing was as it should be.

It took but moments for our confidence to fade.

But through the rain, the sun and the frost,

Our hearts begin to repair and our hopes are remade.

It will be as it should be.

Claire Coles

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