Tuesday, October 27, 2009

American Conservative Political Philosophy

The Classical Conservative Definition:
A classical conservative values tradition and freedom over governmental power. Conservatives, under this definition, advocate a free market economy without governmental intervention. Conservatives tend to view government as a necessary evil, whose primary responsibility is to protect people from violation of their rights and freedom by others. Conservatives distinguish this from government taking action to guarantee people's rights and freedom (a subtle, but important distinction). Conservatives think of morality as something that binds people into groups through loyalty and authority (in certain cases, substituting religion for authority). Conservatives tend to be tribalists.

There is likely not as much difference between the two philosophies as you may have thought. The distinctions are subtle, but they do lead to a different philosophy of both the purpose, and responsibilities of government. Distinctions between the two philosophies shift and morph to suit the politics of the day.

Conservatives are usually regarded as associated with the Republican Party, liberals with the Democratic Party. This is an over-generalization.

Both parties embrace certain conservative and liberal tendencies. Moreover, it does not account for those that do not affiliate with either party, standing as independents, a very large segment of America's political society.

Edmund Burke is often regarded as the founder of the conservative philosophy. Burke stated in 1791 that it was not necessary to tear apart society to cure its evils:

"An ignorant man who is not fool enough to meddle with his clock, is however sufficiently confident to think he can safely take to pieces, and put together at his pleasure, a moral machine of another guise, importance and complexity, composed of far other wheels, and springs, and balances, and counteracting and co-operating powers.

Men little think how immorally they act in rashly meddling with what they do not understand. Their delusive good intention is no sort of excuse for their presumption. They who truly mean well must be fearful of acting ill."

Burke professed that change should only be made when fully aware of the consequences of the actions. Society is complex and interconnected, so changes must be made with deliberation and knowledge of history. The damage from miscalculated changes can be too disastrous to society, to do otherwise.

This is not to say conservatives oppose change. Conservatives recognize that change is necessary in society; however, conservatives move at a slower pace than liberals.

The Modern Conservative Movement
Many credit Russell Kirk's 1953 book, "The Conservative Mind" with the birth of the modern conservative movement in the United States. In 1957, Kirk condensed he beliefs in "The Essence of Conservatism:"

"...The conservative is a person who endeavors to conserve the best in our traditions and our institutions, reconciling that best with necessary reform from time to time...Our American War of Independence...especially in the works of John Adams, Alexander Hamilton, and James Madison, we find a sober and tested conservatism founded upon an understanding of history and human nature. The Constitution which the leaders of that generation drew up has proved to be the most successful conservative device in all history."

In this statement, Kirk restated that the U.S. Constitution is an instrument that protects people from abuse by government; in that regard, the Constitution must be strictly interpreted to guarantee that protection.

Barry Goldwater was the first politician to waive the modern conservative banner. His book, "The Conscience of a Conservative" was required reading at Harvard, at least for a while. When running for president in 1964, Goldwater promised to enforce the U.S. Constitution.

However, it was Ronald Reagan that legitimized the conservative political philosophy as President in 1980. He ran on a platform of cutting government, as he did when governor in California, where his main reform was in welfare.

As President, Reagan cut taxes in his first year. Whether as a direct result or not, the U.S. economy began an unprecedented economic boom in 1982 that lasted until 2001. However, Reagan will also be remembered for not only his economic forecast in 1982, but his prophesy that: "The march of freedom and democracy ... will leave Marxism-Leninism on the ash-heap of history as it has left other tyrannies which stifle the freedom and muzzle the self-expression of the people."

The fall of the Berlin wall came in 1989, followed by the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991.

In looking at the above comparison of conservative and liberal values, it is apparent that arguments can be made for the value of either position. However, such a limited view misses the point. Combining both philosophies can take the best from each to provide solutions to our problems.

As an example, take the issue of trust as to whether government is the best answer to our problems. Conservatives are wary to trust government as the answer; liberals tend to see government as a necessary evil, but still the best answer to solve our problems. Both are appropriate views. Our Founding Fathers recognized this dilemma and developed a system of checks and balances, a separation of powers for an effective government, but one that never developed too much power over its citizens.

The Founding Fathers listened to both sides of the conservative and liberal argument to try to find a system that meets the needs of all.

Today, our society needs to move forward to meet new challenges; liberals say we need new solutions to those challenges; conservatives say we need to trust proven solutions because miscalculation could make our problems worse. Again, both views have value; and a blending of both is likely the best answer: learn from the past, while we forge the future.

Unfortunately, our politics have become too polarized and too divisive. People take positions rather than work together. Political parties provide those positions. Many Republicans revert to religion as a bastion, while many Democrats turn their party into a religion.

After obtaining a degree in political science, I embarked on a career in insurance and government. For the last 21 years, I have worked for local government and government associations. I have written articles, as well as manuals, assisting local government in effectively managing their activities and exposures. I have also provided training in these areas, been a frequent speaker at educational seminars, and acted as President of an association of governmental employees.

During this time, I continued an interest in the politics that is embedded in government and where politics is leading this nation in the Twenty First Century.

Rick Lawrence, June 6, 2009

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

"Open Letters to George W. Bush" author Case Wagenvoord: BOOK REVIEW

Open Letters to George W. Bush

Case Wagenvoord

iUniverse (2005)

ISBN 0595361978

Reviewed by Joanne Benham for Reader Views (6/06)

This book is a tongue-in-cheek satire of government and big business, told through a series of letters to President Bush from a fictional character called Belacqua Jones, described by the author as a meth-addicted psychopath, half a bubble off plumb.

Belacqua Jones is an ardent admirer of George W. Bush and possesses keen insight into the political machine. That insight is clearly evident in this book as Jones comments on every aspect of Bush’s presidency and offers invaluable advice to further his political career. Some of Jones’ suggestions: Enhance the value of death. If someone has an illness such as cancer, offer painkillers rather than medicine to fight the disease. Morphine is much cheaper than chemotherapy. Keep the rest of the world impoverished so that the US can maintain its standard of living. Shore up Social Security by making cigarette smoking mandatory for children. If he wishes to eliminate Social Security, he can just abolish retirement. Problem solved. The big corporations can take back all the money they put into the 401 (k)s and give enormous bonuses to the top executives as they so richly deserve.

Jones is also looking out for George’s interests, such as warning him about the Ashlee Simpson debacle. It takes an astute player to recognize the potential harm Simpson could do the political machine.

At times Jones shows astonishing vision, such as urging the canonization of Judas Iscariot by the Vatican. How could anyone, except a meth-addicted psychopath, half a bubble off plumb, realize that Judas was a victim, actually a sacrifice to the greater good?

Although I don’t agree with everything Case Wagenvoord writes, I found that I was in agreement with much more of what he has written than I anticipated. A brilliant, satirical book, I would urge everyone to sit down and browse through this work. Since the book is a series of letters, in no particular order, you can jump around, picking the chapter headings that intrigue you. Some of my favorites…The Iron Colon, Tree-Huggers, The Benefits of Torture, God Bless the Democrats, Stoning and Human Sacrifice.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

The Ex-Presidents of the United States of America - George Bush the Elder, Part Four

He secured the Republican nomination for the 1988 Presidential election and chose US Senator Dan Quayle of Indiana as his running mate, they were pitted against the Dukakis/Bentsen Democratic ticket. The subsequent general election is viewed as one of the nastiest that ever took place, Bush won it on an electoral votes landslide, becoming the first Acting Vice President to be elected President. He was in office when the Communist governments in the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe collapsed.

Indeed, his Presidency was dominated by foreign policy. He sent troops to Panama in 1989 to overthrow the regime of Manuel Noriega and in 1991 committed US forces to repel the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait. The success of the latter had the effect of soaring his popularity levels at home, this would be it's peak, it would plummet from here on in as domestic problems would come to the fore. The economy went into massive decline, forcing Bush into an embarrassing reverse turn on his famous election slogan of 'Read my lips - no new taxes' - he now had to raise taxes. His health was also beginning to give some cause for concern, he was diagnosed as having a mild heart condition and in 1992 he collapsed vomiting in the lap of the Japanese Prime Minister.

His domestic failures led him to lose the 1992 Presidential election to Bill Clinton. Since his 1992 retirement, Bush has retied with his wife, Barbara to their home in the exclusive neighbourhood of Tanglewood in Houston and they spend their summers at Walker's Point in Kennebunkport in Maine. Bush also holds his won fishing tournament in Islamorada, an island in the Florida Keys.

Russell Shortt is a travel consultant with Exploring Ireland, the leading specialists in customised, private escorted tours, escorted coach tours and independent self drive tours of Ireland. Article source Russell Shortt, http://www.exploringireland.net - http://www.visitscotlandtours.com

Russell Shortt - EzineArticles Expert Author

Friday, October 9, 2009

Ronald Reagan on Government

"Government is like a big baby -- an alimentary canal with a big appetite at one end and no responsibility at the other." -- Ronald Reagan Remark while campaigning for governor of California [1965]

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Beyond Vietnam - A Time to Break Silence - Analysis!

Beyond Vietnam: A Time to Break Silence was delivered by Martin Luther King Jr., on April 4, 1967, at a meeting of concerned clergy and laity at Riverside Church in New York City, New York. The essence of the speech focused on the war in Vietnam. The belief of the clergy took the theme of silence is betrayal. The conclusion was reached that they must speak out against the war over the objection that peace and civil right do not mix. King viewed such comments as a tragic misunderstanding of the world. He emphasized that he was not at the meeting to speak to China, Russia, the National Liberation Front, and/or Hanoi. He was there to speak to his fellow Americans who have the responsibility of ending the conflict that has extracted a heavy price on Vietnam and America.

Regarding the importance of getting involved in the Vietnam War, King enumerated seven major reasons to bring the war to an end based on moral vision. He stated that Vietnam is connected to the struggle he and others have been fighting in America for the poor. However, the buildup of the war has broken the program by society going mad over the war. As a result, the war is as an enemy of the poor, which has taken away vital resources from programs for the poor. He has also considered the dilemma the sons of poor Americans who are fighting and dying in extraordinary high numbers in Southeast Asia are facing as tragic, especially when they were not even able to attend the same school in America, or live on the same block, which he referred to as manipulation of the poor.

He believed that change would come to America through nonviolent action. Therefore, he must raise his voice against the violence inflicted on the oppressed for the sake of America and cannot remain silent. He affirmed the motto of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference is "To save the soul of America," which cannot be saved if it is destroying the souls of people across the world. Additionally, as a winner of the Nobel Peace Prize, his belief is that this commission require him to work harder than ever for "the brotherhood of man," thus, his calling extend beyond national allegiances.

He declared that he share with all men the calling to be a son of the living God; that God is concerned with the suffering of helpless and outcast children; that ministers are called to speak for the weak, the voiceless, victims of our nation, and its enemy; that Vietnam has been living under the madness of war for three continuous decades; and there will be no solution until we hear the broken voices of Americans and Vietnamese.

He mentioned that the Vietnamese must be looking at Americans as strange liberators while pondering America's madness of the war. Since Vietnam had its independence in 1945 from the French and Japanese, America has supported the French in trying to take back its former colony by funding practically the entire cost of the war for the French. He proclaimed that America is a victim of Western arrogance for rejecting the revolutionary government seeking self-determination in Vietnam. As a result, our planes are dropping bombs on Vietnamese villages, women and children; poisoning their water; killing their crops; destroying their trees; leaving them homeless; begging for food; and selling their sisters and mothers to our soldiers. In this regard, we must speak for them because they are also our brothers in our struggle.

He specified that Hanoi has consider the presence of American troops in support of the Diem regime in Vietnam as a breach of the Geneva Convention, and that our president did not state there was an overture for peace made before by the parties. He notified the audience how Ho Chi Ming has watched the buildup of American forces as America spoke about peace; that Ming has been listening to the international rumors of a invasion of the north; and that Ming has watched the pre-invasion strategies of the most powerful nation on earth, which include dropping of bombs as an aggressor on the poor and the weak thousands of miles away from its own shores.

King made known that he is deeply concerned about the safety of our troops; that we are adding cynicism to the process of death; and that none of the things we are fighting for are really involved. He further added that our troops must know that our government sent them into Vietnam for the sophisticated and the wealthy, while we are creating hell for the poor; therefore, we must give a voice to the voiceless people of Vietnam. In this regard, he asserted that there will be no meaningful solution until we have heard their broken cries and have made some meaningful solution to hear their plea.

King communicated that the madness of war must cease. Additionally, in the name of God, we must stop the destruction of Vietnamese' homes and their culture. He mentioned that he is speaking to the leaders of his country as an American and for the people of the world who are shocked by the path America has taken. He then quoted the words of a great Buddhist leader who stated:

Each day the war goes on the hatred increase in the hearts of the Vietnamese and in the hearts of those of humanitarian instinct... Americans are forcing their friends to become their enemies... America is incurring deep psychological and political defeat...America will never again be the image of revolution, freedom and democracy but the image of violence and militarism.

In this light, he indicated that continuing the war would show the world we have no honorable intentions in Vietnam, and our hope is to drag China into a war so we would be able to bomb its nuclear installations. He stated the world has demanded a greater sense of maturity from America

He enumerated the following actions for America's atonement of sins: an end to all bombing in Vietnam; unilateral cease fire; prevention of battle grounds in Southeast Asia; recognition of the National Liberation Front; a set date from removal of all foreign forces from Vietnam in accordance with the 1954 Geneva Convention; granting of asylum to Vietnamese suffering persecution; and the payment of reparations for harm done.

With respect to continuing protest of the war, he requested the churches and synagogues to continue urging America to disengage from Vietnam and encouraged the ministers to seek conscious objector's status. He brought up that America is on the wrong side of the world's revolution, because we now consider property and material things more important than people; thus, we are approaching spiritual death.

On the issue of the importance of people, he revealed that all over the world men are revolting against the old system of exploitation and oppression, and new systems of justice and equality are being born. As a result, we should desire love to be the ultimate force and saving grace of life and not death and evil. Additionally, he reinforced that powers without compassion; might without morality; and strength without sight, will drag America down the corridor of shame; therefore, we must rededicate ourselves to a beautiful world, which is the calling of the sons of God.

He ended his message with an eloquent poem written by James Russell Lowell, addressing the issues of love not war; good not evil; light not darkness; and how God is keeping watch over His people.

Joseph S. Spence, Sr. (aka "Epulaeryu Master"), is the author of "The Awakened One Poetics" (2009), which is published in seven different languages. He also co-authored two poetry books, "A Trilogy of Poetry, Prose and Thoughts for the Mind, Body and Soul" (2005), and "Trilogy Moments for the Mind, Body and Soul," (2006). He invented the Epulaeryu poetry form, which focuses on succulent cuisines. Joseph is a Goodwill Ambassador for the state of Arkansas. He has completed over twenty years of service with the U.S. Army.


Joseph Spence, Sr. - EzineArticles Expert Author