Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Dick Cheney's History of Heart Problems

This past February Dick Cheney suffered his fifth heart attack. The former vice-president is 69. He seems to understand a great deal about his heart condition. It is common knowledge that he was once a heavy smoker. A friend of the family stated that Cheney is cautious and will make the decision to go to the hospital if he feels his heart is giving him problems. For his fifth heart attack Cheney was hospitalized at George Washington University Hospital. The announcement was that Cheney had suffered a "mild" attack.

Cheney suffered his first heart attack in 1978. He was 37. This was the same year he was elected to the House of Representatives as a congressman for Wyoming. He was reelected five times, serving Wyoming until 1989. During his time as a Wyoming congressman, Cheney would suffer two more attacks, his second in 1984, and his third in 1988. After his third, he had surgery to perform a quadruple by-pass. Doctors may have jokingly advised him to rent to own purchase any items he needed, so he would help his family avoid any large bills if an untimely death were to strike him.

But, death would not strike down Cheney. He would move through several different positions, including being President George H. W. Bush's Secretary of Defense, until being elected as vice-president in 2000. However, this was the same year Cheney suffered his fourth heart attack. The attack must have felt like a bad rent to own scam after just being voted into the second most powerful office in the country.

Perhaps, Cheney's past smoking habit combined with his political and high profile life are the reason he has had heart problems. Since 2000 he has had five different procedures to help his heart condition. It seems that Cheney's doctors have been working as hard as the people who have helped the rent to own industry become one of the strongest industries in our country today.

The Association of Progressive Rental Organizations understands that heart conditions must be taken very seriously. We hope that all the people working hard within the rent to own industry take care of themselves by staying physically fit and practicing healthy habits. We know through the former president's example even if the best doctors in the world are taking care of you, there can be heart concerns so take care of yourself. We invite people to learn more about the rent to own purchase business by visiting APRO's website. Make sure to become informed so you don't fall victim to a bad rent to own scam.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Alice_Lane


Monday, March 22, 2010

Guilty - Liberal Victims and Their Assault on America by Ann Coulter - A Book Review

In Guilty: Liberal Victims and Their Assault on America by Ann Coulter, the author once again gives us a piece of her mind. Fearless as ever, Coulter points out things that we would rather turn a blind eye or a deaf ear to. While most of the people who have picked up her book have hated her for it, I have found her rather refreshing and honest. Well, as they say, the Truth always hurts.

I was eating my lunch one day when I heard a group of officemates-mine, I am sad to admit-talking about another officemate of mine. He was almost thirty years old and his girl friend of five years, who worked on the next floor, weren't even in the process of tying the knot. Had they presented the fact that his girl friend's biological clock was ticking, I would've just agreed that they should get married because they do seem to be a perfect fit. But then one of my officemates said that he probably should just make a "deposit" so they would know if they were sexually compatible before getting married. I was appalled. I wasn't naïve but there are some changes you shouldn't adopt, even if it meant convenience. This was one of them.

It made me think of the hundreds of single mothers out there who say they are saying that they are raising their child alone by choice. I agree; it was their choice that made them single mothers-women who have shrugged off their morality for what they think would make them happy for that moment. I'm not saying that they should be condemned because of these wrong choices (I'm not even saying that being happy is wrong) but I agree with Coulter that these women are guilty for presenting themselves as the victims. If we want a better society, we should stop saying it and do what's best for us and for our neighbors. Everything starts with a decision and sticking with that decision. Don't go plunging into a pool when you can't swim. Make sure you can pay for what you're buying and all that stuff that goes along those lines.

I agree with Coulter when she said that these people who call themselves the victims of society's "modernity" and loss of morality-slaves of the moment and all that-are the ones who actually launch an attack on America. I'm not saying we should go all St. Francis of Assisi and give our life's savings to the poor. What I'm saying-and what Coulter points out in Guilty-is that we should be living within our means. By doing so, we are not only helping ourselves but also those around us who cannot afford to live so lavishly. Also, don't go around preaching what you can't do. We already have a lot of that in the media. Sadly, it is the bravery in Guilty: Liberal Victims and Their Assault on America by Ann Coulter that could make you hate it when you should be taking a seat and listening to what it's saying.

For more information, check other Guilty: Liberal Victims and Their Assault on America by Ann Coulter book reviews.

Erika Ayala works part time for a consumer review company.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Erika_Ayala


Erika Ayala - EzineArticles Expert Author

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Ronald Reagan - A Beloved President of the United States

The late United States President Ronald Reagan was considered as one of the best U.S. Presidents but we couldn't repudiate the fact that he had remarkable contributions and achievements that made him a great U.S. President. So, why was Ronald Reagan a great U.S. leader? Perhaps, we should take a look at some of his credentials to be able to justify that he was indeed a great leader.

Some of his followers, when asked why was Ronald Reagan a great U.S. leader, would recall that during his inaugural address, American hostages in Iran were freed. He was only months away from being elected and yet, he already made Americans proud of such incident.

In the same year, Reagan almost got killed in an attempted assassination. While he was being treated at the George Washington University Hospital, Reagan jokingly said that he hoped all the surgeons treating him were Republicans. Of course, not all of the surgeons there were Republicans but they were willing to forget that just to save their President. This could be one of the answers as to why was Ronald Reagan a great U.S. leader.

If Americans would be asked again the question, Why was Ronald Reagan a great U.S. leader?, there would definitely have a long list of answers. First, policies concerning supply-side economics were implemented, the philosophy on laissez-faire and classical liberal was advocated in order to address concerns on tax cuts, and the policy called peace through strength was also implemented.

Reagan was also the President when a significant decline in federal income tax rates transpired due to the passage of the Economic Recovery Tax Act in 1981. Reagan definitely did his part to improve the country's economic growth.

During his first term, Reagan indeed had significant contributions. So why was Ronald Reagan a great U.S. leader during his second term? This was the time when astronauts died in 1986 because the Space Shuttle Challenger disintegrated. Despite this tragedy, Reagan reminded Americans that they should not be fainthearted, but instead they should be brave. And so, he was able to encourage Americans and the families of the deceased to move forward.

Other achievements of Reagan during his second term included the declaration of policies concerning drugs, the approval of the Immigration Reform and Control Act, and his nomination of a female Supreme Court Justice.

These were not the only answers to the question Why was Ronald Reagan a great U.S. President. He was also great for living ninety three years on Earth to bring changes and improvement to his country.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Barry Goldwater on Liberty and Justice

Extreme in defence of liberty is no vice. And … moderation in persuit of justice is no virtue. Barry Goldwater [1909-1998 ], Acceptance speech, Republican presidential nomination [July 16, 1964] - from Bartlett's Familiar Quotations

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Some Political Observations Still Sting

Changing Sources of Power: American Politics in the 1970s

Frederick G. Dutton,

McGraw-Hill Books, July, 1971 269 pages

Few would argue that political and social change unfolds in a vacuum. Social unrest, discontent and the eventual showdown of political ideologies erupt with sudden convulsion, catching bench sitters by surprise.

The cultural and political transformation that took place in the 1970's was more than just a temporary or fleeting disaffection of the status quo.

While a few books have been written regarding the irreversible decade of cultural, social and education forces that changed our perspective and our national directions ever since, Frederick Dutton's still stands out as the most insightful and comprehensive source to date.

Dutton, a Washington D.C., lawyer and political strategist, depicts the many elements necessary -- beyond the political--that created the showdown between the majority of entrenched traditional conservative carriers of continuity and the agents of change.

Dutton brought his keen observations of American politics to the book having served as Secretary of the Cabinet for President John Kennedy, Assistant U.S. secretary of State for Congressional Relations and a Regent of the University of California.

It was Dutton's belief, without a doubt, that the sixties illuminated a divided government that steadily evolved from rhetoric to dissatisfaction and eventually to the struggle for power from a new generation.

Throughout the book, Dutton offers examples of how and why the 1970's would bring in the massive shift of power. He wrote that "...widespread social and political turmoil of the last half-dozen years and more has generally been considered in terms of the Vietnam war, the unrest of the young, black militancy and the responding backlash."

To an extent, but more so these erratic breakdowns in law and order, the shifting of economic opportunities from the urban centers out to the suburbs (The Industrial Revolution was becoming suburbanized) and strong dissatisfaction with leadership lead to what Dutton described as the opportunity that created national regeneration that shaped the political landscape for decades that followed. No one predicted that a "George Wallace," effect: a new Southern leader that appealed to a population that felt left out of the new educational opportunities, sophistication and activist new and younger elements.

Thirty years later, "The Changing Sources of Power" still holds the preeminent position as the most comprehensive and perceptive study written about the political shift of the 1970's.

In comparison, Boston University history professor, Bruce Schulman, author of "The Seventies: The Great Shift in American Culture, Society, and Politics, Da Capo Press, focused more on the cultural elements of Village People and disco than the deep underpinnings of the political affects that were coming apart during the decade of ambiguity.

David Frum, a conservative pundit and author of How We Got Here: The 70's, The Decade That Brought You Modern Life For Better Or Worse,Basic Books, offered a keen understanding of the impact of political upheaval Dutton predicted would happen if politicians would face urgent problems head on.

Frum cleverly observed that we "left behind a country that was more dynamic, more competitive, more tolerant; less deferential, less self-confident, less united; more socially equal, less economically equal; more expressive, more risk-averse, more sexual; less literate, less polite and less reticent." However, in Frum's account he never explains why the 70's sustained its influence far into the 80's while other political movements dissolved. There is never a main point about the decade except to say movement leaders tried to change social and economic programs of earlier decades.

A small but telling contrast ignored by both Schulman and Frum include the significant pieces that led up the political melee is Dutton's observation. Dutton points out that the Free Speech movement of 1964 could never have occurred anywhere in the country except in California and at UC Berkeley. This is a simple sentence, but a major point about the cultural differences that participated in the move east of unrest "New Left."

Dutton wrote: "Generational politics exploded in California not just on the periphery but in the political mainstream well before, and more several than, they have erupted in the rest of the country."

Changing Sources of Power, written in 1972, ends with a profound and still relevant observation that reinforces the brilliance of this book lacking in the others. He wrote: "We will not easily move on during this decade. But what could be blowing in the wind with the newer elements is a national reinvigoration that will occupy American society for much of the rest of this century."

One wonders what Dutton would say today?

Geri Spieler is the author of, "Taking Aim At The President: The Remarkable Story of the Woman Who Shot at Gerald Ford," Palgrave Macmillan.

She is a former investigative reporter and has written for the Los Angeles Times and San Francisco Chronicle. She was a research director for Gartner and is an award winning public speaker and past president of the San Francisco/Peninsula California Writers Club.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Geri_Spieler


Geri Spieler - EzineArticles Expert Author